marine ecological survey


Recreational Fisheries

The sport of recreational sea angling (RSA) has recently emerged as a key marine stakeholder following government evaluation of the economic and social value of the sector. Precision Marine Survey staff have an in depth knowledge of this important sector both on a national and regional basis, and a working relationship with the National Federation of Sea Anglers (NFSA), the UK governing body, local associations and dedicated sea angling conservation bodies (SACN etc.).

Using our knowledge of recreational sea angling activity, we can account for the sector, both during the scoping study and subsequent Environmental Statement to ensure that sea angling is taken into account and that potential impacts to the sector are addressed and mitigation measures evaluated.

Our clients, for whom we have carried out recreational sea angling studies, or are currently evaluating recreational fisheries, include;

WWF - Sea Angling Policy Guidance

E.ON UK Renewables - Humber OWF Environmental Statement




Precision Marine Survey
Church Farm
Main Road
East Yorkshire
HU12 9NE
United Kingdom
Tel 01964 624423
Fax 01964 623352

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